Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 3: Web 2.0 and Podcasting where is this heading?

The internet continues to evolve but not through any significant technological advances but is evolving through how we choose to use it and view it. Web 2.0 does not refer to anything new as in technical side, as many of the technology components of Web 2.0 have existed since the early days of the Web. Podcasting also uses pre-existing technologies such as video recording and the video hosting. Both are continuing to change the way we use the web.

In the early days of the internet it had many capabilities and potential but it wasn’t performing to what it could until enthusiasts and the community as a whole came together. Now the World Wide Web offers everything you can imagine including online shopping, entertainment, news, and education. Web 2.0 takes advantage of these new capabilities and adds to it through collaboration, creativity, personalization and community building. As the Web continues to grow, sites will continue to revolve around collaborating. By being able to contribute to a Website with your own personal twist, it keeps the visitors interested.

Podcasting also has come a long way. It is no longer just a talking head that goes on and on about their problems. Podcasts can be informative yet entertaining. There are many new uses of Podcasting such as distributing school lessons and lectures, which allow information sharing to anyone at anytime they choose. This is very useful for students that are unable to attend class and also could help the online course learning experience.

There are many Websites claiming that they are Web 2.0 but some use very trivial features that define Web 2.0. It is critical in differentiating between real Web 2.0 websites and websites that are just promoting Web 2.0 but aren’t because it may influence the future development of the Web. Both Web 2.0 and Podcasting have bright future ahead but it will all come down to the people that contribute and the quality of their contributions.

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